Archives - Bailing Ma
April 12, 2024: Time-ordered perturbation theory calculation of the axial anomaly in QED1+1 in LFD
May 12th, 2023: Tackling the bad current in the light front dynamics
March 17th, 2023: The Democracy of Light-Front components and the Zero Mode Issue
December 9th, 2022: Calculating PDF with NJL model, part one: model parameter determination
September 2nd, 2022: Interpolating 'tHooft model between IFD and LFD
April 22nd, 2022: Axial Anomaly in 1+1-D QED
March 4th, 2022: Pseudo-scalar and -vector meson transition form factors in 1+1 dimensions
Oct. 29, 2021 Transition Form Factors in Light Front Dynamics presentation10292021