Archives - Hariprashad Ravikumar
Lattice QCD Calculations of Sivers TMD x-Dependance
Lattice QCD Calculations TMDs December 1, 2023
Interpolating 1+1 Conformal Algebra - October 20, 2023
Interpolating sine-Gordon Model (1+1) - December 18, 2020
Hartree-type Approximation for Phi-4(1+1) - March 19, 2021
Interpolating the Conformal algebra - June 18 2021
Momentum operator components’ transformation under SCT - September 24, 2021
Interpolating conformal algebra between the instant form and the front form of relativistic dynamics
Conformal-Poincare group algebra structure in the interpolating dynamics
March 11th, 2022: Interpolating the Conformal Algebra in Ultra Simpler Form
April 15h, 2022: Interpolating the Conformal Algebra in Ultra Simpler Form (It's [sic] representations)
June 10th, 2022: Dirac's Conformal Space in 4D